Sunday, November 04, 2007

waiting to action

so spent yesterday moving supplies and in meeting discussing how and where the supplies should be handed out. as volunteers we have been attending the meetings of various ngos to try to organized and collaborate so as not to see so much overlaping in certian communities and neglect in others.
so what happened in my sites-
La Guazara- the road in and out is unpassable by cars and trucks. Motos must be carried through our new river. Long term shortages of food might spring up as there is much damage to crops and trucks cannot get through to replenish the colmados (small mom and pop stores). Already seen problems with hospital care. One baby had a very high fever and had to be carried accross the river and taken down by a ngo and one woman gave birth in la guazara as she could not get down.

Batey 3 (my old site)- Was drowned in water. I have heard that furniture and clothes are ruined. the plantain trees and local crops lost and there is no potable water. i heard that transportation to the bateys just opened up. there is current hunger.

What i am doing- working with ngos to organize supplies and plans of action. I am headed to the ngo that mainly works in the bateys today. I hope to be an advocate for batey 3 given my 6 months of living in the community and my relationship with the people there. I have checked in with plan international (the ngo that works with la guazara) about thier plans in la guazara and they seem to have things organized. My main worry right now are my friends back in the batey.

In the meantime- the kids here are enjoying thier new rivers and lakes. They are loving playing in the water. The donas are worring about food and transportation. The tigueres are drinking rum (What else is new?).

A week later and its quite surreal what just happened. After the meetings yesterday its started to hit me the gravety of it all. Before it was- lets go have fun in the river/ play in the rain/ My god when will all this water stop! Now its about mobilizing. Relief work is completely different that what I had been doing and I've read a lot about the scandels and problems with relief/aid work in developing countries. I am now beginning to experience the difficulties.

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