so ive been living in matancitas a small community outside of Nagua on the north coast. to use the internet i have to take a motoconcho (motorcylce taxi) into Nagua so needless to say i dont use internet often- although i really like riding on the back of the motorcycle esp along the beach(who knows when i get back i might just get a motorcycle instead of a car). Ive been working with a youth group of highschool aged kids here (i gave a talk last night to the kids) and Ive been working in a sala de tarea (homework room). photos from youthgrop at the beach and the sala.

I love the pic on the far left- i truely look peace corps in it.
only a week and a half left of matancitas though then the capital then i get a cell and then i get my site- las hoyas- really small. not on the map and most dominicans havent even heard of it- just what i wanted. I swear in as a actual volunteer the day before thanksgiving! then we go out to celebrate!
ok now to the title of the blog- the melted snickers phenomenon. During a class discussion of frustrations the other day a friend- laura, metioned what she entitled the melted snickers phenomenon as her frustration. i couldnt have agreed more- this is what it is.
You go to the mini mart you see a snickers and oh it is tempting with its pretty brown american like packaging and your hungry and missing home so you think "why wait". you grab the snickers put three days worth of your allowance down and leave. only when you open the wrapper you discover it is completely melted and runny. sure it still tastes good but not nearly the same deliciousness that your used to.
much of this country is like this. the houses may have electrical plugins and light bulbs, they might have faucets and even at times shiny shower heads- but when it comes down to it you prolly only get electricity a few hours a day and water every couple days. and even when you get water the pressure is just a small drip- making the shower head completely useless. you take bucket baths.
There is this mess of americanization and the developing latin world.
Everyone wears second hand shirts from the states in english but forthe most part noone knows what they mean. the side effect is quite funny at times you get old donas wearing explicit and vulgar shirts. My sister in the capital has a shirt that says "proud big brother" and my nephew wears a cici's pizza work shirt.